
Elite Weight Loss Coaching VIP Program

The Elite Weight Loss coaching VIP Program is

Exclusively designed for clients who seek the highest grade of support to finally lose the extra weight by transforming their relationship with food and finally reclaiming control over their own bodies, for once and for all.

Um, heck yes! You’re reading my mind!

What If You Could:


on the

Healthy salad with fruit in a bowl on a table


– Lose that stubborn fat and keep it off for good? 
– Enjoy your best friend’s chocolate birthday cake without the guilt or the urge to overindulge?
– Feel confident about your body when you go to the beach? 
– Have more energy to spend time with the ones you love?
– Feel proud of the food choices you make because they will keep you healthy today and 20, 30, 40 years from now? 
– Know how to prepare and stay nourished while working towards your weight loss plan?

I want you to know that these things are 100% possible.

Living your best life with a body you feel energized, healthy, and confident can become anyone’s reality!

But I know what you might be thinking...

“I always start strong and feel good about my new restrictive diet, but before long, something always happens — a party, a holiday, or see those doughnuts in the break room — and suddenly I’m falling off the wagon.

Diets don’t work for me and will always fail. It’s too hard and too restrictive.”

You are tired of trying diets for weight loss and you’re not getting the results you want. You are frustrated and don’t even know what to do anymore.

been there.

Sound Familiar?

You feel like you’ve tried all the diet plans, potions, and pills. And you’ve spent countless hours on the internet, searching for answers on what to do next.

But you are still gaining weight. You still aren’t happy with your appearance. Physically and emotionally, you still feel crappy.

I’ve been there. And I’ve helped hundreds of clients with their weight and wellness goals as a registered dietitian and weight-loss health coach.

I created the Elite Weight Loss Coaching Program as my premier program to help you build your lifestyle and keep you accountable to your weight loss goals.

There are a lot of tools available, but there is no cookie-cutter approach. 

Our plan is personalized and designed just for you. It’s not crazy complicated or made to make you feel deprived.

We will support you

using an approach that uses real, whole foods, combined with self-care training and mindset support.

These are essential components to your weight loss success. As registered dietitians and health coaches, we have a proven track record of helping hundreds of clients with their weight and wellness goals.

Are you ready to live the life you want?

Elite Weight Loss Coaching VIP Program

Let’s talk about why the Elite Weight Loss Coaching VIP Program is the key to achieving your health goals quicker, with lasting effects that you’ll love.

Customized to you

Here’s the thing: a ‘one-size-fits-all’ weight-loss program never fits anyone perfectly – that’s why people struggle sticking with those programs. With Pur Weight Loss, you will have a customized plan tailored to your lifestyle and eating habits. 

Your plan will include foods that you love eating! We’re never going to impose any crazy low calorie, no carb, or anti-ingredient diets. Eating is supposed to be joyful, not stressful! It’s the sustainable way of eating for life.

Professional & Private Coaching

Combining your personal lifestyle and preferences with our extensive background in scientific nutrition, you will receive private coaching to go along with your personalized plan. Our goal is to make sure you are fully supported in your weight-loss journey every step of the way.

Fully Licensed

We are small, but mighty! We are a tight-knit collective of fully-licensed dietitians with the experience to back it up. The Pur Weight Loss team only consists of seasoned coaches with over a decade’s worth of experience. We know exactly how to set you up for success and how to tailor a diet strategy that will help you  reach your goals as quickly as possible.

Real Foods, Real Results

Food is meant to be nourishing. While we love a good protein shake, avoiding real and whole foods isn’t sustainable. Once you complete the program, you will have the education and confidence to make healthy food choices on your own. We want your relationship with food to be secure enough so that you’ll never feel stressed at the grocery store ever again.

How do you know if The Elite Weight Loss VIP Coaching Program is right for you?

This program is designed for busy professionals who want the ultimate high touch experience with the luxury of privacy.

This VIP Coaching Program Is Excellent For You If:


If you are ready and committed to invest in yourself… 

Book a free 30 minute call with Adrienne by clicking on the button below.

February 4, 2022.
When I reached out to Adrienne I was hoping to lose weight and over three months I achieved my goals and gained knowledge that will last me a lifetime. By sharing her expertise, and resources Adrienne, taught me about balanced nutrition, meal planning and most importantly mindset. I unlearned negative thought patterns and replaced them with mindfulness and a willingness to trust the process of living a healthy life for the long haul, not just for five days or five pounds. I never felt deprived and still don't; I eat what I want, when I want it and I have never been healthier. Working with Adrienne was not a three month investment, it was an investment for a lifetime.
Andrea Leung
Andrea Leung
October 2, 2021.
I think Adrienne helps me the last three months loss weight and enjoy the variety of food to change my life healthy on the
Kaila Thomasson
Kaila Thomasson
October 1, 2021.
I worked with Adrienne for the last 6 months and had a great experience. I went into the program looking to improve my relationship with food and find a sustainable healthy eating lifestyle. I had some pre-conceived ideas of what eating to lose weight should look like including eating salads and cooking all of your meals. I found out that those don't work for me and we worked together to find a meal plan that was customized for me and fit into my crazy busy schedule. Adrienne was supportive during the entire process and really worked with me to understand what I needed. I came out of the program feeling like I have all of the tools and knowledge needed to continue meeting my goals and eating healthy for life!
Lj Raincitygirl
Lj Raincitygirl
May 19, 2021.
I have spent the past 3 months working with Adrienne Ngai in her Elite Weight Loss intensive program. I feel like she hacked my brain and fundamentally reprogrammed the way I’ve spent much of my adult life thinking about food. There were times when I hated it and wished I could quit. But Adrienne was always calm, upbeat and supportive. I lost 14 pounds, but more importantly, doing the program set me on a path to continuing to take control of my eating habits and continuing to improve my health. And I feel optimistic that she’s given me the tools to keep that weight off and continue losing weight. It’s a huge commitment, that 3 months, in terms of the emotional energy I spent learning how to think differently about food. And sometimes it was very hard. But I’m glad I did it and excited to see where I go from here. Thanks Adrienne.
Bridget T
Bridget T
May 13, 2021.
There is so much information out there about how to lose weight, what to eat to lose weight, what to avoid to lose weight etc.  and it can all get really confusing. Speaking to a professional like Adrienne can really help clear up any confusion. She has been a supportive rock for my journey to have a healthier mindset with food. She takes an evidence based approach to tailor her meal plan (or treatment plan) to her clients' specific needs, ability, and goals. I encourage you that if you have any confusion or questions about food and nutrition and weight loss, that you speak with Adrienne. It takes years of education to become a Registered Dietician and she is regulated and in good standing with her regulatory body. Adrienne is not only knowledgeable, but she is also friendly and non-judgemental. She also has a Youtube channel with more education and recipes so that I can continue to learn from her even though I have completed my program.
Glenn Doupe
Glenn Doupe
May 7, 2021.
I have learned so much in the past 3 months and the way I think about food and eat food has changed for the better. Adrienne is a very knowledgeable professional whose passion is helping people. She will not give up on you and will always find the positive. This is not a cookie cutter approach or a gimmick but teaches you to eat a well-balanced diet and to lose weight in a slow sustainable way. The mind set practises where particularly helpful for me. I have lost close to 25 lbs which was my goal.
Carol Araújo
Carol Araújo
March 17, 2021.
It’s been great to work with Adrienne, she is very knowledgeable and makes a huge effort to make improvements in your eating habits offering alternative options based on the things you like and giving you freedom to make your own choices while moving towards your weight loss goals.
Amina Dief
Amina Dief
March 16, 2021.
Adrienne has been amazingly helpful! She helped me changing my relationship with food and knowing my body needs. She's very kind, caring, and supportive.
February 28, 2021.
Adrienne was amazing! I am a full time student and have been struggling with weight loss for majority of my life, Adrienne not only helped me lose weight but also helped me establish a healthy mindset towards losing weight. Adrienne taught me that I don’t have to deprive myself of my favorite foods and still lose weight at a healthy pace. Im so glad I found Adrienne, she is the most attentive, caring and thoughtful person. Working with Adrienne for 3 months was the best investment ever for my long term health and mental well-being!
Kabir Mathur
Kabir Mathur
January 26, 2021.
Adrienne is the perfect ally in your journey to foster a better relationship with food. No diets, no fads, no judgement ... just straight facts and process. Using her guidance, I was able to better understand my appetite and the food that I was eating. Her varied recipes are delicious, nutritious, and simple. I use them on a daily basis to ensure that my diet is well-rounded. I highly recommend her services if you are looking to make a permanent change in your lifestyle that you will be able to sustain.

kind words

“feel so much healthier”

“I reached out to Adrienne 9 months ago because I wanted to get a firm handle on my diet and lose some inches. I had been working out for ages with minimal results. Adrienne was professional, nonjudgemental and easy to talk to. Her recipes were tasty and just what I was looking for. I look at it as an education and an investment in yourself. I feel so much healthier now. I stayed with Adrienne for 9 months and honestly, it was the best money I have ever spent. Thanks Adrienne!!”


“happy and healthy”

“Thanks to you, I have transformed into such a happy and healthy individual! I no longer feel like I am at battle with food and my stress has decreased a lot (even my TMJ has improved)! I am so fortunate that I got the opportunity to work with you! “

– Megan

Are You Ready To Step Into A New Lifestyle?

6 Month Elite Weight Loss VIP Coaching Program

Virtual Kick-off call

Personalized meal plans designed to help reach your goals

2 x Virtual coaching calls per month (60 min each)

Direct text messaging support

Daily food diary accountability

Daily email accountability

Bi-weekly coaching calls (virtual)

Weekly check-ins to make sure you are staying on track to losing weight

Mindset and stress management workbook assignment to complete

EWL custom recipe books

Corresponding EWL course

Additional resources to meet your needs

the coach

I’m Leslie. Pro surfer turned business coach.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus lectus enim, commodo vel nunc commodo, ornare dapibus dolor. Nullam rhoncus dignissim pretium. 

Nulla quis est id est tincidunt dapibus vel vel metus. Fusce augue orci, iaculis quis blandit feugiat, ullamcorper vel est. Suspendisse quam tortor, bibendum egestas convallis in, elementum eu justo. Pellentesque vel tristique ipsum, id iaculis purus. Fusce mollis purus ante, vel convallis mi sagittis sed.

Frequently Asked Questions

With over 25 years of combined industry experience, our client success rate has been consistently high. Our team is always there to support and coach you every step of the way, until you are self-sufficient! 

Only a select few have opted out of the program either because they weren’t willing to trust the process, or because they weren’t willing to put in the work. However, for the majority of those who do, our clients have achieved results that they were never able to get previously, and we know you can too!

To prevent any adverse effects from extreme dieting, our coaching programs are designed to help you lose 1 to 2 pounds each week. This gradual method of weight loss is much healthier and more sustainable than those that promise extreme fat loss in a very short amount of time.

Our programs are completely virtual. Enjoy all the benefits of an online weight loss coach – we will communicate through Zoom, emails, and our client-facing app.

You will receive the highest level of support throughout the program! Receive daily support from our dedicated team of professionals via email, our personal app, and on private EWL coaching calls on Zoom. You will also receive daily feedback that will help optimize your eating habits and reach your weight loss goals under a fast and steady trajectory.

Definitely! Our programs are meant to be tailored to each individual’s needs. We factor in your food sensitivities, health conditions, dietary restrictions, and preferences to create a program that is accessible and safe for each of our clients. Simply let your coach know about any dietary restrictions that may be of concern to you, and we will plan your program accordingly.

Of course! Our program is flexible and meant to be compatible with your lifestyle, no matter what it’s like! You will learn how to eat out and enjoy anything under the sun while still losing weight effectively.

Most insurance providers cover dietitian services, which is what we fall under. Please consult your insurance provider if your health plan covers services by registered dietitians. We can also provide receipts upon request to maximize your coverage.

Definitely. We know that lasting change must start with the way we view food, and mindset work is fundamental to the long-term success of our weight loss program. 


As part of the VIP program, you will be required to complete a Mindset Module workbook to assess your existing relationship with food and identify what psychological factors need to be changed. We will coach you and help you create healthy interactions with food that will ultimately transform your relationship with eating and nutrition.

Yes! As professional nutritionists, we are well-versed with the power that certain foods have to combat common health risks such as high cholesterol, IBS, and high blood pressure. Please disclose your medical conditions with your coach before beginning the program – as a fully personalized program, we are determined to help address any nutrition-related medical condition to reverse, manage, or reduce the risk of it developing. 

Our clients have been able to lower the severity of, and even reverse, their Type 2 diabetes, cholesterol, and high blood pressure diagnoses – all while losing weight! 

For anyone with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, Adrienne is a Certified Diabetes Educator.

Our program does not require our clients to cut their carbs unless the client themselves have explicitly stated their desire to do so. Our program is designed for you to be able to enjoy foods from ALL food groups without guilt. Never feel bad for eating the carb classics like rice, bread, pasta, chips, or ice cream ever again!

Our main focus is on eating for weight loss. However, if you plan on exercising throughout the program, we can also offer support and accountability on that front! 

While exercise is not necessary to lose weight, engaging in some physical activity every day is helpful for weight loss and improving your overall health.

Our coaching program is designed for you to gain the confidence to continue your weight loss/maintenance journey on your own after our 6-month program. Through our coaching program, you will be provided with all the necessary education, resources, and tools to ensure your success years beyond the program. 

For further professional support post-program, consult with your coach and we will find an option that will help you become self-sufficient at your own pace.


what people are saying


it doesn't have to be that way.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus lectus enim, commodo vel nunc commodo, ornare dapibus dolor. Nullam rhoncus dignissim pretium. 

Nulla quis est id est tincidunt dapibus vel vel metus. Fusce augue orci, iaculis quis blandit feugiat, ullamcorper vel est. Suspendisse quam tortor, bibendum egestas convallis in, elementum eu justo. Pellentesque vel tristique ipsum, id iaculis purus.


SOUND IMPOSSIBLE? keep reading!

In a nutshell… don’t expect to find any awkward prom style photos around here.

We’ll jump right in and get to the good stuff, the authentic moments. No career as a model required.

Genuine smiles as you dip your heads together and share a quiet joke together, hands held tight because you never want to let go, carefully stolen kisses as the sun sets just below the horizon.

are you ready for things to finally change?


but nothing we’ve done is something that you can’t do too. 

change is possible.

THE COURSE INCLUDES — chapter outlines


Will This Course Teach Me?

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus lectus enim, commodo vel nunc commodo, ornare dapibus dolor. Nullam rhoncus dignissim pretium. 

Nulla quis est id est tincidunt dapibus vel vel metus. Fusce augue orci, iaculis quis blandit feugiat, ullamcorper vel est. Suspendisse quam tortor, bibendum egestas convallis in, elementum eu justo. Pellentesque vel tristique ipsum, id iaculis purus. Fusce mollis purus ante, vel convallis mi sagittis sed.


Etiam dapibus est a arcu suscipit, sit amet ornare enim imperdiet. Cras et pretium erat.


Etiam dapibus est a arcu suscipit, sit amet ornare enim imperdiet. Cras et pretium erat.


Etiam dapibus est a arcu suscipit, sit amet ornare enim imperdiet. Cras et pretium erat.

are you ready?

So what are you waiting for? Sign-up now am nec leo a leo facilisis scelerisque. Ut efficitur nunc elit, sit amet interdum felis ultricies at. Donec eget convallis quam. Nulla porttitor ultrices nisl blandit elementum. 


kind words

“life changing.”

estibulum purus augue, tempor sit amet dapibus et, finibus ut velit. Nunc feugiat, odio ac molestie interdum, elit tellus blandit mauris, ut congue neque justo sodales risus. Praesent in laoreet ipsum, vitae mattis justo. Nam at lectus at mi tincidunt imperdiet. 


“drop everything”

estibulum purus augue, tempor sit amet dapibus et, finibus ut velit. Nunc feugiat, odio ac molestie interdum, elit tellus blandit mauris, ut congue neque justo sodales risus. Praesent in laoreet ipsum, vitae mattis justo. Nam at lectus at mi tincidunt imperdiet. 



Enroll Today

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus lectus enim, commodo vel nunc commodo, ornare dapibus dolor. Nullam rhoncus dignissim pretium. 


Quisque dapibus enim eros, ut ornare ante luctus eget. Sed mi libero, porttitor sit amet lacinia quis, semper non purus. Nullam porttitor ex eu est ullamcorper posuere. 

best value

$ 247
  • 1 payment

  • Maecenas eleifend libero eget est pretium malesuada Sed pulvinar purus mauris, ut mollis erat pharetra ut.
    BONUS: Ut ultricies ante tortor


$ 147
  • 3 Payment Plan

  • Maecenas eleifend libero eget est pretium malesuada Sed pulvinar purus mauris, ut mollis erat pharetra ut.
    BONUS: Ut ultricies ante tortor

are you ready?

So what are you waiting for? Sign-up now am nec leo a leo facilisis scelerisque. Ut efficitur nunc elit, sit amet interdum felis ultricies at. Donec eget convallis quam. Nulla porttitor ultrices nisl blandit elementum.