Client R:
44.7lb Weight Loss and Reversed Diabetes and Cholesterol
(55, Male)
2 weeks into the Elite Weight Loss (EWL) coaching program, Client R was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol.
In the 3 months we worked together, Client R lost 29.6lbs, REVERSED his type 2 diabetes diagnosis, and lowered his cholesterol levels to NORMAL solely by changing his eating!
Client R and I worked together to create a custom eating plan to target his new diabetes diagnosis, cholesterol, and weight loss. This plan included foods he enjoys eating (sandwiches, crackers, snack foods) and variety- which Client R said was very important for him.
He has previously tried keto and working out to lose weight, but it didn’t work for him because he couldn’t see himself eating those foods in the long run.
Client R’s doctor even called him after getting his blood test results to ask him what he did to reverse his diabetes and cholesterol levels because he was so impressed!!
Client R shared with his doctor how sustainable his new eating habits are and that he credited the EWL for his weight loss and health status!
Fast forward 4 months later, Client R tells me to tell me his blood sugars got EVEN BETTER!
And his weight continues to drop each week. He is now 182.3lbs, which is a TOTAL OF 44.7lbs WEIGHT LOSS!